We Became Mexican American, a book






 KENMORE, WA.  We Became Mexican American narrates the story of a family emigrating from Mexico to the United States in the 1920s. Author and family member, Carlos B. Gil, tells how his folks settled against all odds to pursue the American Dream in southern California. This award-winning book offers you the following:

      It reviews what the Latino immigration experience represented for the author’s family,

            It explores the cultural shock of arriving in the U.S. for the first time,

                        including the difficulties of raising children in a new culture,

            It unveils the cultural conflicts inside the family as the children began growing up in America,

            It describes living in a Mexican barrio near Los Angeles, California, and it

            It discusses the personal process of slowly becoming Mexican American. 

We Became Mexican American was awarded “BEST BIOGRAPHY” in two book competitions in the United States in 2013. And, in 2015 it won an “HONORABLE MENTION in Biography/Autobiography” at the 2015 Book Festival in Amsterdam (The Netherlands). The 2013 honors came from The 15th Annual International Latino Book Award ceremony held at the Cervantes Institute in New York City, May 30, 2013: 1) Best Biography in English and 2) Best Latino Focused Work. On March 8th his book also won Best Biography at the 2012-2013 cycle of the Los Angeles Book Festival for independent authors and publishers. As a result, his book “sits” at “The Table of Honor,” digitally speaking, which you can visit at: ).

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The author is an Emeritus Professor at the University of Washington.

We Became Mexican American: How Our Immigrant Family Survived to Pursue the American Dream

was published in 2012 and revised in 2015.

Trade Paperback; $18.99; 422 pages; ISBN 978-0-9899519-1-3

Trade Hardback; $26.99; 422 pages; ISBN 978-0-9899519-06

E-book, $3.99: ISBN 978-0-9899519-2-0

We Became Mexican American, a book

READER’S REACTIONS TO “We Became Mexican American”

Gil writes with a cinematic eye for detail, delivering intricate word pictures of the people, places and activities….Vivid, highly informative and entertaining, Gil’s book shines and should be a staple on the bookshelves of history teachers and their students.  (Blue Ink Review, October 2012)

As a lifelong educator in a variety of capacities I find this author’s provocative, endearing life story a special must read for all members of the American School System, regardless of their niche or expertise in the field of education.”  (Leo Valenzuela, October 2012)

Gil plays the role of storyteller and mass organizer in this textbook-thick account of how his family crossed both land and social boundaries to improve their living conditions and be together….[I]t’s an interesting, well-written account of an adaptable, immigrant family. [It p]rovides a unique perspective into the complex cultural struggles immigrant families face and the circumstances that bring them here.  Kirkus Book Reviews (November 2012)

It’s almost poetic. This has to be used in the classrooms for generations to come. You bring everything together in ten different ways: economics, social mobility, immigration, politics, etc. You bring it all together; you offer the big picture. (Phillip Boucher, November 2012)

[It is a] rich, textured portrait….  [This work] shows how the hard work and determination of these Mexican immigrants led to greater economic success and higher social status with each generation. Black-and-white photographs inserted throughout the text vividly express this change of fortune.  (Clarion Reviews December 2012)

Your book is not only inspirational, it is thought provoking and educational. I love history and your book personalizes historical events. As an immigrant myself, I can connect with your family. (Ignacio Marquez, April 2013)

I loved your book! All my daughters want to read it, and my mom. There were lots of things I could relate to. (Molly Montoya, April 2013)

Your honesty was brutal but told in a loving way. I, we are so proud of your book and talk about it all the time. (Rebecca Cruz, May 2013)

Quite an accomplishment. Something I wish I had done for my own family. I learned a lot…about the Mexican American experience, including its regional variations. The book also brought me…to reassess my own [Swedish] family’s experience which in some ways parallels your family’s. Chuck Bergquist, May 2013)

Reading about my great great grandpa Basilio Alvarez in his book brought me to tears. What a journey this book is taking me on…¡Gracias! (Vera Delgado, November 2014)

Again I was blown away by your discussion on why your family would not have been attuned to racism due to the idea of there not being a contradiction to the reality they began life with. Such a tender defense of these people, and I can apply that to my family too. (Abe Pena, February 2014)

It was fantastic! I was so drawn in and fascinated with the stories of his family and all they went through. I’m so glad to have gotten that glimpse into his family’s journey and a better understanding of the lives of some immigrants.  (Mary McLaughlin Sta.Maria, March 2014)

We Became Mexican American, a book

RECOGNITION GIVEN TO “We Became Mexican American”

2013 BEST BIOGRAPHY, at the 2012-2013 cycle of the Los Angeles Book Festival March 8th for independent authors and publishers.

2013 THE TABLE OF HONOR at for “the best of international book festivals.”

2013 BEST BIOGRAPHY IN ENGLISH at the 15th Annual International Latino Book Award ceremony held at the Cervantes Institute in New York City, May 30th.

2013 BEST LATINO FOCUSED NONFICTION BOOK at the 15th Annual International Latino Book Award ceremony held at the Cervantes Institute in New York City, May 30th.

2015 HONORABLE MENTION IN BIOGRAPHY/AUTOBIOGRAPHY at the 2015 Book Festival in Amsterdam (The Netherlands).

2016 BEST BOOK IN THE CATEGORY OF BIOGRAPHY from Pinnacle Book Achievement Award, National Association of Book Entrepreneurs, Winter.

2017 Featured on the front cover of Book Dealers World (vol. 2 no. 38 Spring) National Association of Book Entrepreneurs.


We Became Mexican American was published in 2012 by XLibris and a revised edition in 2014 by The GilDeane Group.



Hi folks.

This is a blog about things Latin American: the people of Latin America, their politics, their economic concerns, their culture, and so on. Mexico and things Mexican will get the lion’s share. My blog, as it evolves, will also take a look at the migration of Latin American people to the United States pausing to explain why they moved, where, and how they settled in America.  I also plan to discuss American politics from my Latino point of view.

My name is Carlos B. Gil. I’m a Mexican American and I’m releasing this blog to share some of my pensamientos, or thoughts, with you, reflections which tend to sweep over the U.S. Mexican border more often than not. At other times, however, my ruminations will also swing over other borders as well.

The general focus here is Latin America because I studied the region for over 40 years. I’ve been connected to Latin America almost all of my life; I lived there, as an American; I worked there; and some of my children were even born there. For several decades I also offered classes at the University of Washington about this part of the world to many young people interested in the history and civilization of that quarter of the globe, including its culture and music.

Truth be told, ya soy un viejo (I’m an old man now), and my many years of continuing to think about this region rewarded me with an understanding that few possess. And, so I want to share it, now that I find myself in the twilight of my years, yet fortunate enough to continue to reason clearly and be able to utilize the amazing World Wide Web to broadcast such ponderings unashamedly.

As mentioned above, Mexico will receive most of my attention because I was trained as a Mexicanist, a scholar specializing on Mexico. This orientation was due, in part, to the fact that my grandmother walked away from her adobe home in west central Mexico, with my mother in tow, a hundred years ago, in order to immigrate to the United States. So, my mother’s earliest recollections about her upbringing sparked my attention to the archaic world they left behind, my father having left separately at about the same time.

My parent’s experience as immigrants from Mexico, settling in southern California in the 1930s, also gave rise to my regard for the subject of Mexican immigration. I poured most of my knowledge on this topic into my most recent book (We Became Mexican American: How Our Immigrant Family Survived to Pursue the American Dream) to which I’ll refer in various places in this blog.

But I expect I’ll share my thoughts about other parts of the world too and our relations there, and here is why I feel you can give me some credence on this account too. My early study of Latin America coincided with the rise of our attention to “The Third World,” a 1970’s term that referred to the countries squeezed in between the industrial and capitalist nations like ours and those herded into the socialist bloc. Nowadays we refer to these countries as the “developing world,” some developing more than others, as I’ll make the case. So, as I gained knowledge and insight of Latin America, it turned out I was doing the same for the developing world whose connections and similarities I plumbed as the years went by.

I will also take the liberty of making known my views concerning our own country, the United States of America. The election of Donald Trump as President compels me to do so. You’ll see my comments progressively as my blog develops and as the Trump administration lurches forward. In any case, this is another example of the “other borders” over which my thoughts will run on this blog, this one arching all the way to Washington, D. C.

Aside from all this, please know I made my home in the Pacific Northwest almost a life time ago but I was born in San Fernando, near Los Angeles, California, and all of my formal educational training is U.S.-American. In the end I’m an American—a Mexican American—and this fact ought to give my pensamientos a special tinge of their own.

My hope is that the information you encounter on my website will inform you and enlighten you. That’s the whole purpose here. You may differ with me, of course, and so you’re invited to respond.

P.S. The photo above, of the many men with hats, is a prized one for me, thanks to the New York Times. These are braceros, the men whom our government contracted to harvest our fruits and vegetables during World War II, and years after, so that our own U.S.-born men could go to war or help in the manufacturing of war materials. This is how we’ve worked with Mexico over the years and they with us; our links with Mexico remain vital to this day even as they are being sadly handled by Mr. Trump.